As CBD continues to showcase to people a wide variety of healing benefits, the popularity of this rather magical cannabinoid is rapidly growing. With this, the industry has crafted a plethora of different ways in which CBD can be delivered to the body, and regardless of the range of choices, high-quality CBD salve will continue to remain a staple choice of topical CBD delivery.
Whether you are new to CBD or if you already enjoy positive effects derived from this special compound in another form, if a CBD salve isn’t an integrated part of your CBD medicine cabinet, we’re going to showcase to you exactly why it should be and why you should be using a CBD salve.
What is a CBD Salve?
A salve is your skin’s best friend.
The dictionary defines a salve as “an ointment used to promote healing of the skin or as protection.”
By placing a salve onto your skin, the healing benefits of the ingredients, usually botanical, can then absorb directly into the area of discomfort, pain, or injury to immediately begin working.
Salves, however, are not the same as other topical counterparts like lotions or creams, and the main difference lies in the fact that a salve usually features beeswax as the main ingredient, they are crafted with no water in comparison to lotions or creams, and they do not require an emulsifier.
This makes salves much thicker in comparison, great for long-lasting topical application, and CBD salves usually require far fewer preservatives and chemicals than lotion and cream counterparts. And don’t think that you’re missing out on moisturizing your skin, either, as beeswax is incredibly moisturizing.
The Benefits of a CBD Salve
Now that you know salves deliver their healing benefits via application to the largest organ in the body, the skin, we can expand on how a CBD salve can then benefit your body.
CBD supports your health and many bodily functions through interaction with the endocannabinoid system. Your endocannabinoid system is a system of receptors throughout the body that regulate a multitude of functions, such as sleep, mood, appetite, fertility, memory, and most importantly in the relationship to a CBD salve, pain.
When you introduce CBD to the body, the cannabinoids in CBD mimic those that our endocannabinoid system naturally creates to either enhance functions of aspects within the EC, like promoting sleep, or to dull the neurological responses driven by the EC, such as reducing pain.
By working with these functions of the endocannabinoid system within the skin, CBD salves specifically provide one of the best forms of natural pain relief, especially when the pain is from injury, muscle or bone inflammation, or an ailment of the skin.
When the salve is applied, this will promote the signals of the endocannabinoid system that will in turn enhance the response of your cells to further reduce the inflammation surrounding the tissues that are the source of discomfort.
As well as this, Cannabinoids suppress inflammatory and neuropathic pain by targeting α3 glycine receptors, making CBD an excellent asset to combating both chronic and acute forms of pain, and often work better than other forms of CBD through this type of pain management as salves can be applied directly to the source of discomfort for precise delivery versus other methods of ingestion.
How to Use a CBD Salve
Using a CBD salve is extremely simple and easy.
To first see if a salve is right for you, begin with a skin test by placing a small amount of application onto the hand.
Once comfortable, you can then begin to apply more CBD salve to the affected area following instructions on the labeling. Gently massage and rub the salve into your skin so that it can penetrate deeply, and the massage will further help to reduce inflammation.
And remember, CBD is not psychoactive, so you will not feel any form of the traditional ‘high’ that comes from THC when the CBD is 100% hemp-derived.
Eventually, you will learn the amounts that work best with your body and how often application is necessary for your specific ailments. If you suffer from chronic forms of pain, use your CBD salve consistently throughout the day as needed.
Aside from chronic forms of pain, CBD salves are also excellent choices for:
Workout recovery
Localized pain
Arthritis pain
And much more…so if you are ready to utilize this natural way in which you can receive heightened whole-body health, then a CBD salve might just be the magic you’ve been looking for.
Do remain cognizant of the CBD manufacturer, and only purchase your high-quality CBD from those that have been thoroughly lab tested, as this will ensure that the CBD is pure and will provide you the relief that you deserve.