Spring has officially arrived and as warm weather approaches check out some recipes to honor the season and add some spring to your step!
Cruzan Rum has you covered with a wide variety of fun and flavorful spring cocktails. Cruzan Aged Light Rum, with its vanilla notes and sweet, smooth finish, is a fan-favorite especially our Blueberry Bramble!
Our Brew Berry Mojito is the perfect combo of Cruzan Strawberry Rum, with it’s ripe, wild strawberry flavor paired with crisp and refreshing blond lager – it’s a welcome libation on any warm spring day!
Cruzan® Blueberry Bramble
1 1/2 parts Cruzan® Aged Light Rum
1/2 part Fresh Lemon Juice
1/2 part Simple Syrup
Blueberry Syrup
Method: Add rum, lemon and simple syrup over crushed ice in an old-fashioned glass. Add a mountain of crushed ice and drizzle blueberry syrup on top. Garnish with rosemary speared blueberries.
Cruzan® Brew Berry Mojito
1 1/2 parts Cruzan® Strawberry Rum
1/2 part Fresh Lemon Juice
1/2 part Agave Nectar
5 parts Blonge Lager
3 Fresh Strawberries
8-12 Mint Leaves
Method: Muddle strawberry, mint and agave nectar in a tall glass. Add lemon juice, rum and ice and shake. Add beer, shake lightly, and strain over ice into glass of choice. Garnish with a halved strawberry and sprig of mint.